Bead Drop: 2-12-24 (BHB’s!)

This bead drop features all big-hole beads that fit the thicker, euro-style bracelets & necklaces. 🙂

These beads are particularly challenging to make as I’m squeezing in as many tiny elements as I possibly can into a very small space.

But all the nerve-wracking moments are definitely well worth it as the final result is just gorgeous, (if I do say so myself 😉 … Sometimes I even knock my own socks off! LOL! 😀

One thing to note, if you’ve purchased BHB’s from me in the past, is that I’ve made a move to line the hole of these beads with sterling silver inserts which are glued in… versus the solid ss tubing I used to use.

During my ‘bead hiatus’ it seems that the proper sized sterling silver tubing is no longer readily available as it once was. All the suppliers I, (and other bead-makers), used to purchase the tubing from no longer carry this particular size.

I have learned that occasionally a group of beadmakers will get together and go in on a bulk buy so that one of the suppliers will agree to source and sell the tubing. I missed the last bulk buy at the beginning of 2023…and am waiting for notice of the next one.

In the meantime, I am using the best quality, solid sterling silver inserts I can find along with a jeweler’s grade adhesive that is extremely durable and stands up to normal wear and tear. My own BHB’s have held up great over the years with the glued inserts, (as I always saved the tubing for beads I sold, not my personal collection.)

The sterling silver inserts still give my beads have that beautiful & professional finish – as opposed to leaving the bead hole unlined, without any inserts. Even though the glass would hold up just fine on a bracelet or necklace without being lined, I simply prefer the look of the holes when finished with sterling silver.

You can currently find all the beads below on Etsy.

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